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Nos Étapes
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It's Nos Étapes, not Nosetapes. But don't worry, we came up with it because both words have significant meanings to us. Nos Étapes is french for "Our Steps" because we walk A LOT and it was our main mode of transportation for all of our trips. Nosetapes signifies Jared's cute mouth breathing and what he uses every once in awhile to correct it. We're Jared and Jules, and this site will share both our perspectives of our adventures through Jared's photos and Jules' narration.
Nos Étapes
January 11th, 2018
El Dorado County, Ca
July 10th, 2017
United Kingdom
June 30th, 2017
Portland, Oregon
September 1st, 2016
Berlin, Germany
August 17th, 2014
Bavaria, Germany
August 15th, 2014
Venice, Italy
August 13th, 2014